Friday, October 31, 2014

Mobile Devices in the Classroom: Nuisance or Learning tool?

By Michael Rio, HCHS Digital Media teacher

Imagine all of the world's knowledge in each of your student's hands! Are student mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets a classroom distraction or a vital tool for learning? Maybe either or both, depending on how they are integrated into the classroom.

A revolution in education is taking place as schools not only invest in more portable devices, but students increasingly bring their own device to use at school. These devices include smartphones, iPads and other tablets, Chromebooks and laptops.  Now schools are making choices as to how best to use such devices to improve teaching and learning while making sure they do not become a distraction to learning. Many teachers are concerned about how students may use their own devices in class. At the same time these devices are also excellent learning tools whose potential can greatly engage students to improve learning.

It is no longer a question about whether or not students should use their own devices at school. The challenge now to to develop the most effective policies and instructional uses for these devices. The potential is almost limitless as students now have easy access to educational resources and information on the Internet. They also have access to hundreds of thousands of apps to use for everything from foreign languages to calculators to dictionaries.  The world of educational apps, web sites and online communications are transforming learning and schools in ways never imagined even a decade ago!

A new mobile devices revolution is transforming how we can better teach, learn and communicate with our students and colleagues. Here are some great resources to help evaluate how best these mobile devices may be used in your classroom.

Mobile Devices for Learning: What you need to know? (PDF)

Mobile Learning: Resources roundup

Shared and Class Sets of Mobile Devices

Intel: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Resources

Classroom Management Tips for Students with Mobile Devices

Ten Ways to Use Mobile Devices in the Classroom

How are you using mobile devices in your classroom?